Sunday, June 12, 2011

it's been a while... along while

Hello Blog!

I know I have very much neglected you and I'm sorry I totally never mean to but I just haven't been in the mood to write or when I am I start typing a long lovely post only to get up to go to the bathroom or get a drink and find it completely erased ><. What has happened in the past oh say like 2 years I have ignored you? Quite a lot actually. We have moved to a better place and better schools. We've made serveral family trips one inculding Legoland which has stolen Alex's heart as #1 atraction to visit in California. We got to see our cousins from Finland for the 1st time in 5 or 6 years. We've joined a gym! Made some new friends and most importantly improved our lives. Anways I hope to focus on you more with all these changes in our lives so that I have something to come back to and enjoy those times agian. Anyways I leave you with our most recent sheenangians the tatoo story!
So one day while vegging out on the computer mindlessly surfing for who knows what now. Alex walks up to me and says, "Hey mom, look I got a tatoo" I turn around and he lifts his shirt to reveal a smiley face drawn across his chest. Apparently I didn't react as he anticipated ( I think he was looking for a, "Wow that's so Awesome!!!"). My reaction was more of a "why'd you do that?" not mad just trying to be as benign about this as possible. He then covered and himself and ran away. I sighed and look at his brother who had a very large "tramp stamp" smiley face on his back.....I think I have a future artist in the making. Here are the pics:

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